16th July from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A snappy little breeze keeps the dawn air fresh and crsip. The sun bursts up past the dark trees and distant buildings. Gradually a pale wash of apricot gives shape to the ragged clouds and then smoothes across the Green. The light fades to a rose pink and dark definite shadows begin to form out of the grey. The light begins to creep along the beach and illuminates the waves cording the bay. A greenfinch rehearses his whole repertoire of short twirling notes interspersed with long wheezes from his lookout at the top of the burnt pine. Small birds fly by in little groups already looking like the beginning of the autumn flocks. Gullls swoop ghostlike among the trees. Pigeons coo one to another that the day has begun.

From 16th July 2022
Possibly the hottest day of the year so far, and for once, we are grateful for the on shore breeze which keeps everything comfortable. The silver sea is as smooth as silk and race back and forth like excited puppies describing big white circles as they dart around each other. The beach is crowded and there is that deep underlying chatter that pervades everything. As the sun begins to disappear, long fine streamers of white cloud radiate out from where it is setting. But far out on the bay, the bright rays are still picking out little white fishing boats where they ride out the evening patiently. #bournemouth #westcliffbeach #july #Summer.
From 16th July 2016
Windows wide open. Blinds half lowered against the glare. Test Match Special on low from the other room. Could this be what they used to call "summer"?