Upcoming Events.

Putting the Y in Wryting
Bournemouth Writing Festival
When’s the right time to be a writer and why shouldn’t it be now?
Music artist and futures writer Timo Peach takes creative notes from playwright and poet Peter John Cooper.
You may not have a book in mind. You may not be blogging much. The world may be on fire. But something in you is still itching to take a leap towards new creativity – and so you want to know if you’re “allowed” to be a writer. And right now. And if there’s a *right* way you’re supposed to start it.
Timo Peach talks to Peter John Cooper in an open conversation with the audience asking:
* Why do you want to Wryte?
* Why is Wryting a Good Thing?
* Why does the world need you to Wryte right now?
* Where is the gap that only you can fill?
* What are these two creatives taking and where can you get some?
Occasional Poetry
Sunday 2nd June
Polly Howell
from Stroud
Julian Harrow
from Southampton
Peter John Cooper
from Bournemouth
Richard Green
from Weymouth Harbour Poets
Rod Drew on harmonica
Dave Martin, Julian Nangle,
David Herring, Jim Potts, Sandra Dickson
and other Dorchester poets, including YOU !
3 - 5.30 pm
[Doors open at 2.30 pm]
[Limited seating so arrive in good time if you don't want to stand or be outside]
Donations welcomed to help pay for the magazine
(TOPM), but in principle the afternoon is FREE

Bournemouth Writing Festival - Waiting for a Panini
I shall be performing “Waiting for a Panini here.

Platform Poetry - April Showers
Abby G Poetree has invited me to do a set about the weather and mood. I suppose you could say they will be Mindful. I’m delighted to be asked. But you know me, I could never stick to a brief so we’ll see what I dig out.
Doppelganger Dialogues
Obsidian, Boscombe
We shall be experimenting with Bus Stop Dialogues. Two actors, two pages of script and a big red button.
Peace, Love and Harmony
Delighted to have been invited to perform at St. Bartholomews Church, Church st., Shapwick, Blandford Forum DT11 9LA

The Mad Woman of Lyme
A little trailer for the Autumn Tour

Event Two
Waiting for Three o’Clock
This week I'm uploading podcast number 26. That means 6 months; half a year of sweat toil and tears for your delight. This week's Tale from the Clifftop is called "Waiting for Thee o'clock" and features the ENTIRE ACTING COMPANY of the West Cliff Theatre Company. Don't miss it. Saturday 22nd at 10 O'clock.