25th June from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A blue sky morning edged with mist on the horizon and decorated with broad bands of mackerel from time to time. A fresh breeze keeps the temperature bearable. On the beach the glassy green waves tumble in on the sand and the delighted little screams of bathers fill the air. One of the delights of the West Cliff is the little glimpses you get of the bay as you pass through the trees and then come to the steps down to the beach. The mallows are tall and at their best. In the hedge rows honeysuckle, bindweed and cleavers smother everything else. The day is broad and lazy.

From 25th June 2022
There is always a dip between the flowers of early summer and the High Summer Flora. Many of the early flowers have gone to seed with only mallows, cats ears, thistles and evening primroses making any sort of showing. It is the same with bird song and everything falls relatively quiet as most are busy fledging families. Many juvenile robins hopping on the path as well as young crows and magpies. The sky mirrors this liminal time. Overhead we have a clear blue with the sun shining down strongly and a few white fair weather clouds. But to the west are big piles of grey cumulus and to the East are layers and slabs of stratus. The sea is an inviting green blue but there is a strong wind whipping the surf up for the dudes with their boards. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #summer #june
From 25th June 2021
The chalk stacks of Old Harry are lit up in a brilliant peachy light from the last rays of the sun. A few purple and orange clouds line the horizon with a lemony flavour to the pale blue sky. The wind has dropped but it still feels chilly. Voices carry with crystal clarity from the little groups that dot the West Cliff in the evening air. The sound of the punt punt punt of a football follows me indoors.
From 25th June 2010
An exciting new sensation... Trod on a weever fish on Bournemouth beach. Ouch that smarts.