28th June from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A playful little breeze curls its way up the cliff face and winds along the paths. It sets the leaves on the bushes dancing and the dried grasses bending and nodding. This is the time of year when the Green seems to be holding its breath. Everything has grown to full height, the grass has been cut, the days are long and warm but here we measure the time in visitor numbers and, apart from weekends and half terms, they have not arrived yet. It is still a time when we have the town to ourselves. Crows and pigeons are in threes as parents escort their fvourite offspring around with them to learn the ways of the world. Younger siblings are left to fend for themselves and parents of juvenile gulls will have nothing to do with them once they are fledged. Except that the youngster will follow them around peeping plaintively. Greenfinches are back in voice and have added a cheerful little warble at the end of their wheezing notes.

From 28th June 2022
The boisterous breeze makes the leaves of the holm oaks rattle and hiss. The little waves race into the shore and throw themselves excitedly on the sand. The thistles stand tall with their purple punkish haircuts. There is just enough sun to b able to see the shadows of the gulls as they cross and recross the green. A greenfinch churrs. One of the language schools is having some sort of games day and the air is filled with dozens of voices and a patchwork of languages. The language schools are an important and welcome source of income although the students can occasionally forget their cans and bottles when they get together in the shelter of an evening. Pigeons coo. #bournemouth
From 28th June 2021
The strong sunlight dapples down through the tree branches making an intricate filligree pattern on the soft grass. The heat rises up from the carpet of pine needles with a delicious resiny scent. The sea is almost flat calm and silver blue reflecting the blue sky. The pigeons coo softly. The weather forecast says cloudy and showery all day. Hmm.
Despite what the weather forecasters promised, the afternoon was made of hot sun boring down from a clear blue sky. But now the grey clouds have rolled across leaving a bright band on the horizon which casts a dull yellow light over the wrinkled sea. The evening breeze has a stuffy feel to it and there is a hush around the Green as though everyone is waiting for something to happen. Thunder grumbles away in the distance. Time to go in.
From 28th June 2011
Lovely sunny day but a bit breezy. Postpone swimming until either a) the breeze drops or b) it pours with rain and I can retire indoors
From 28th June 2010
I wondered why it was so quiet. They have shut the road because of a burst water main. Lovely summer evening.