30th June from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
This time of year trees are so laden down with fruit or cones or seeds as well as all the summer foliage that the whole tree can split apart. This year there has been especially rich crop so many trees are burdened down. Often it may only be a branch but it is still a massive weight and it can happen without warning and without wind to prompt it. It’s happened twice on the West Cliff Green this week so keep your eyes and ears open. But don’t forget it is all part of the natural order of things and just shows what a bountiful year it has been. This morning the air is fresh and the clouds have returned but the sea is calm and smooth. Gulls drift about wailing and calling. On the lookout for the first ripe blackberry but it looks as though the birds may have had the same idea. The greenfinches are back in good voice and the crows are gathered in family groups.

From 30th June 2022
The little nubby green blackberries are beginning to turn red and fatter. But there are still plenty of white and pink flowers for later in the autumn. The sun, when it's finished playing hide and seek with the big white clouds is strong and warm but the strong wind makes it better to sit in the shelter of the trees or bushes. Three juvenile magpies complain and squabble as siblings do whilst the parents watch on from the fence. The waves are deep and long. Swimmers do little more than bob about in the surf. The hedgerow flowers are joined by sweet smelling honeysuckle and the purple and yellow flowers of deadly nightshade. And a plant I haven't seen here before - wood sage with leaves smaller but similar to the garden variety and spikes of tiny yellow flowers with maroon tongues. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #summer #June
From 30th June 2021
It's quiet under the trees. Just the distant chack chack chack of a blackbird annoyed by something. Even the incoming tide makes a hush hush sound. Some small creature is feasting on pine cones high up in the branches. Unwanted scraps rain down on the path. The teasels are making a fine effort this year and are already shoulder high. Hogweed (not the poisonous Giant variety) beloved by rabbits, pushes up through the brambles. There is a thin mist on the horizon this evening but it is pleasantly warm
From 30th June 2015
Thunderstorm's drifted off up Channel.