2nd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth

On the Westcliff Green we are poised between sea and sky and land. Looking from one to another is dynamic and disturbing. Building up strange dream images. Today is all about clouds. Big beefy yorkshire puddings and soft pillowy cushions. You cannot but help staring upwards at the rich cloudscape and wishing you could dive into them. The sea is fidgetty and uncertain. Occasionally a sliver of polished platinum slices across the waves out in the bay where the sun edges through. The westerly wind is not cold but it nudges and hurries at every turn of the path. Two nights ago a tawny owl traversed the length of the Green hooting the whole way.

From 2nd February 2022

The air is fesh and cool with the slightest breath of breeze.  The sky is clear dotted with white and gold fair weather clouds.  Now the sun is higher during the day, it provides some warmth and dances strongly off the bay.  At slack water on the low spring tide little waves slap lazily onto the sand.  In the bright light a mass of daisies shine almost silvery against the  short grass.  A wren sings from a pocket in the thick overcoat of ivy of an old, dead tree. #Bournemouth #WestCliff #Winter #February

From 2nd February 2021

A long, reaching, blusterous breeze spinning up sand dervishes on the prom. The big broken green rollers, white caps whipped away by the wind coming in hard and fast from the bay. Out there to the South West grey clouds roll in from the hills bearing the first prickles of rain. But for all the gloom, the sky is higher and brighter presaging lighter evenings to come. A crow sits hunched on a lamppost. He is in charge of the day.

Peter John Cooper

Poet, Playwright and Podcaster from Bournemouth, UK.


3rd February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth


1st February from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth