2nd July from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
The sky is mostly blue but big pillows of cloud slide across the sun from time to time. The air is fresh and little waves slip slap in a friendly way along the beach. A boat under one white sail creeps along close in to the shore. The familes of crows and magpies spread out across the short grass. The magpies keep in touch with a stern “chack”. The pine trees stand out magnificently against the sky. Pigeons coo.

From 2nd July 2022
Occsional little speckles of drizzle from the grey cloud driven quickly along by the currying wind. What was one pink sweet pea plant has now developed into several large patches tangling in and out of the clifftop grass. Everywhere, juvenile birds of different denomintions sit on posts looking unkempt and miserable. Maybe they could learn something from the rigidly chaperoned and be-makeup-ed Groups of teenage girls in sparkly tops with hair pulled up tight into a knot decorated with a bow. They fill every space on the beach and in the gardens. They spill out of the doorways of hotels and b'n'bs. They fill every cafe and restaurant. It is the cheerleader championships. I hope they're all having a good time.
From 2nd July 2011
The air is full of the harsh growl of the big diesel racing boats charging across the bay. Why don't they slow down and enjoy the sunshine?
From 2nd July 2010
The sun set is violent. Crazy slashes of crimson, orange and slate blue. Everything is bathed is a curious purple light that turns the greens of the fields and hills and hedgerows grey and brown and washes brickwork with a strange violet glow.