2nd May from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
A ghostly mist out on the bay. Fingers of the brume creep through the tops of the tallest pines. The sun is veiled behind the grey but makes occasional appearances when it feels able. A plane drones over head and out of sight. Pigeons coo. Blackbirds and robins are duelling it out in the bushes. Someone has left their shirt hanging on a bench. It is draped like a precious art object. The little folds in the material are perfectly sculpted as in the folds of drapery of a statue of Hera by Praxiteles. The docks are growing tall through the flagging three cornered leeks. Little pink cranesbills are dotted everywhere along the path edge like crowds lining a processional route with thousands of upturned expectant pink faces. A man is studiously clearing the paths of leaves with a leaf blower. He doesn’t seem to be working for the council. Is there such a thing as a free-lance leaf blower operative?

From 2nd May 2022
To the South across the bay, the sky is a bumble of white and grey with odd glimpses of the sun and blue sky beyond. The grey green sea is as flat calm as it gets but the air is cold. The garlic mustard has shot up over night. I am reminded of its common name: Jack in the Hedge. Towards the North a big mass of black cloud reminds us it's still umbrella weather. Dunnocks sing from still bare branches but, suddenly, the horse chestnuts are covered in their white candles. #westcliffgreen #bournemouth #May #Spring
From 2nd May 2015
A troubled sea with whitecaps topping nearly every line of waves. No fishing boats out there this morning.