13th July from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
After a grey, drizzly dawn, a rough arid wind soon dries out the the paths. The fashion for carefully placed artworks continues. They make interesting statements about the users of the Green. The sea is as dull and grey as the sky and the best views are framed by trees. The sweet chestnuts continue to be heavy with catkins which strew the paths beeneath them. The sun sometimes manages a pale appearance through the rolling clouds and it is warm enough to sit out. The paths are ideally placed for those with mobility issues to see the best of Bournemouth. They continue the tradition that would have seen elderly colonels being propelled in bath chairs by weary sons and daughters. And the pigeons keep up with their cooing which must have been the sound that assailed their ears.

From 13th July 2022
The sky,dull grey all day, breaks up in the evening to masses of streaks and whorls of white, grey and mauve with little cracks of blue and gold as the sun begin to set. The whole heaven is like some exuberant abstract painting. But it is still warm and humid with the customary onshore breeze. The sea is almost still, just a few ripples on the green water. Everything at ground level still straw coloured. A white tailed bumble bee feasting on a ragged purple thistle head. Butterflies, unidentifiable as they tumble in the breeze. A beautiful couple pass by and smile. She is wearing a gorgeous sari of orange, green and gold. Her consort smiles basking in her beauty. Pigeons coo. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #summer #July
From 13th July 2021
A strangely calm day after yesterday's deluges. You can still see the enormous fans of leaves and twigs in the deltas carved into the beach by the down rush of water. But the sea has only a slight swell which lands with a satisfying thump and swash on the sand. Under a grey sky everything is bright green. Grasshoppers and crickets spring among the long gras stems and a small heath butterfly flits in and out. Where there is blossom, dozens of yellow and black hoverflies hang in the air, wings beating furiously as if deciding which flower to surprise before launching in to the nectary heaven.