7th July from the West Cliff Green, Bournemouth
The heat comes up in waves of the green bracken and brambles lining the cliff top. The undergrowth is alive with insects and butterflies who are greedily feasting on the nectar from thistles and teasels. The sky in an intense blue and reflects off the waters in the bay. The beach is filling up and the Green is filled with young men with their shirts off demonstrating the work they have been putting in at the gymn. Most picnickers have found shelter in the shade of trees and bushes where dogs lie panting. A helicopter drones by in the unsullied heaven. Most small birds are silent. Pigeons coo.

From 7th July 2022
One of those dawns with a lumpy grey duvet covering the whole of the firmament except for a brilliant blue gap at the edges through which the sun rises in brief golden magnificence and then is gone as if back to bed for the day. A volley of terns speed along the water's edge twisting and turning before hanging still in the air and plunging straight down into the surf to emerge a moment later presumably having won breakfast. They squeak and squeal in their high voices as if in delight before continuing their beat off Eastwards. For once the Green is deserted as is the beach apart from a young couple who huddle together under blankets. They have the whole seven miles of golden sand to themselves. I hope they know what it is to be happy. #bournemouth #westcliffgreen #summer #July
From 7th July 2011
The clouds are breaking up. The sun is struggling through. Not quite enough blue sky to make a sailor a pair of trousers and the sea is still leaden but there might be a swim in the day yet.