Midnight rambles with my Characters
Midnight rmbles with my characters - and killing them off
Pop Art
What a useful word Pop is.
50 Years a Playwright - What I learnt #1
Fifty years a Playwright. What I learnt #1
Have you heard the latest Beatles’ song yet?
Not So Scary Ghosts
Halloween Horror
A Poem about (but not written by) AI
Chat GPT is a lot of fun but will it actually replace poets?
Twelve Year project comes to fruition
There for you all to enjoy
Michael Frayn agrees with me.
Another reason I won’t be using AI to write my blog.
Is it time for me to embrace AI?
I am a writer. Am I afraid of AI?
Picture from Pixaby.
Waiting for a Panini (Performance)
A link to the Sound version
Waiting for a Panini
The Cafe Sorrento at the Bournemouth Writing Festival.
Keith Johnstone has Died
Keith Johnstone who wrote the book “Impro”
Durley Chine’s new Eco Hub - Eco Chic
Huge v shaped wooden beams stretch up from floor to roof giving a forest effect and which seem to take their cue from the trees on the West Cliff Green above.
Dream Time
The minibus has a brown carpet on the floor with a pattern of big yellow circles.
All things must pass
For twelve years, the seasons have rolled round whilst I have been watching.
Into the Blue - writing with clarity and simplicity
Stand on the Cliff edge of the West Cliff Green where the land meets the sea and the sky and write down what you see.
Did you have a Hornby Railway set?
One Hundred Colours of Being by C.W. Blackburn
A review of a book of zen poetry by C.W. Blackburn
All Aboard
We took the opportunity, having seen the Airshow a number of times, to visit the All Aboard Festival in Southampton. This is an amazing neighbourhood event in St Denys and on the River Itchen.