Hoarder or Sharer?

The Giant Sea Monster
Did you see the David Attenborough documentary.? Here it is in reality.

Sorry to trouble you
Saying Sorry is sometimes a lot easier than you think

Midnight rambles with my Characters
Midnight rmbles with my characters - and killing them off

Pop Art
What a useful word Pop is.

50 Years a Playwright - What I learnt #1
Fifty years a Playwright. What I learnt #1
Have you heard the latest Beatles’ song yet?
Not So Scary Ghosts
Halloween Horror

A Poem about (but not written by) AI
Chat GPT is a lot of fun but will it actually replace poets?

Twelve Year project comes to fruition
There for you all to enjoy
Michael Frayn agrees with me.
Another reason I won’t be using AI to write my blog.

Is it time for me to embrace AI?
I am a writer. Am I afraid of AI?
Picture from Pixaby.

Waiting for a Panini (Performance)
A link to the Sound version

Waiting for a Panini
The Cafe Sorrento at the Bournemouth Writing Festival.

Keith Johnstone has Died
Keith Johnstone who wrote the book “Impro”

Durley Chine’s new Eco Hub - Eco Chic
Huge v shaped wooden beams stretch up from floor to roof giving a forest effect and which seem to take their cue from the trees on the West Cliff Green above.

Dream Time
The minibus has a brown carpet on the floor with a pattern of big yellow circles.

All things must pass
For twelve years, the seasons have rolled round whilst I have been watching.

Into the Blue - writing with clarity and simplicity
Stand on the Cliff edge of the West Cliff Green where the land meets the sea and the sky and write down what you see.